Attendance Matters

Missing School = Missing Out

Click below to clear your child’s absence

  1. All student(s) must attend school each and every day and be on time.
  2. If they areNOTin school; they areNOTlearning!!
  3. Please bring a doctor’s note and/or absent note when the student (s) returns to school.
  4. It is important to keep your Emergency Form updated. If addresses, contacts, telephone numbers, cell numbers or email have changed please come into the school office as soon as possible.
  5. When student(s) are absent they are missing valuable instructional time!
  6. Parent(s) and student(s) must give education top priority each and every day; from Kindergarten through 12th grade, college and into their professional life.
  7. Please email ✉Adrianna, or you may leave a message 📞951-490-0350Ext.53104.